EP 24: New Treadmill

What better way to motivate yourself to exercise than to bring the exercise to you?

Screw gym memberships, screw wearing gym outfits - bringing home an all-around work-out machine was just what I needed.

So I got it brand new off a bargain price from Canadian Tire with a lifetime's worth of warranty. Not bad at all if you ask me.

Hopefully this time, I don't go lazy since all I have to do is go downstairs, push the button, and run. That's it.

I've been really out of shape (most of my life I was) and I think this should be a worthy investment. I mean, it's about time that I at least try to get in shape because if you think about it, I'm basically at the prime of my life - this time should NOT be wasted.

So I hope things work out for the better (no pun intended).


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