Ep16: Thanksgiving

Back when I was in my homeland I've always heard of "Thanksgiving" from cable movies and cartoon shows. ALL I knew then was that there was this Turkey to be slaughtered and to be served for dinner. That was basically IT.

Moving here, I've finally experienced (not celebrated) first hand what and where those TV shows were based from. Not much more to know about it besides the fact that such an occasion actually had two different histories, and are thus celebrated separately in the United States, and in Canada. This explains the occurrence of it twice in North America. It's more of a common name of a holiday for 2 countries, rather than a single holiday celebrated by 2 countries.

Recently I have discovered that people back home have been "celebrating" this said event. I mean, what the fuck? Why celebrate something that DOESN'T even have any roots in a country's history? I did my research on the matter; and Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US and Canada, because of certain respective episodes in their respective HISTORIES.

I mean, it's understandable to admire and look up to a certain country, but to actually emulate their very culture as if it's one's own is just (for want of a better word) sickening.

I mean, I admire Japan and all, but you don't see me wearing Kimonos or celebrate Kamikaze day or something.

I wouldn't mind if we really had our OWN thanksgiving, but to celebrate it at the exact same date as in other countries? Actually, doing more research, we DO have Thanksgiving in the Philippines, and it's on the 21st of September (NOT on the fourth Thursday of November), too bad no one knows about it!

I'm not trying to sound all Mr. Patriot here, it's just that I don't quite understand, or maybe I do (cough, colonial mentality, cough), and I just want to rant about it.

Don't even get me started on Halloween!



December 10, 2008 at 6:24 PM

cute chicken, beb=)


December 10, 2008 at 6:26 PM

cute chicken, beb=) lets eat it!!


December 12, 2008 at 9:09 PM

kapitan pilipinas to the rescue!


December 13, 2008 at 7:26 PM

oh mj, why so serious?!? hahaha. actually, i think only the rich and elite people here celebrate thanksgiving. and the ones who lived in the US, or have relatives there.

but oh how i miss celebrating thanksgiving. :) i luv luv luv turkey and canned cranberry sauce.


December 13, 2008 at 7:33 PM

I don't get it, what makes them elite then? They may be rich.. but elite?


December 13, 2008 at 7:58 PM

okay, okay, okay mr. smarty pants... then they're just rich. but they think they're "elite" so they celebrate thanksgiving even though they're not americans.

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