Episode 8: Stupidity

I came in school today as I would any typical school day. Only today sucked. I came in Math class today without ANY idea that I was suppose to write a Midterm exam! I came in and the silence of the classroom welcomed me along with the sound of scratching heads and of tapping pens. No use turning back - the teacher gave me the "why-are-you-late"(as always) look, gave me the test paper and directed me to my seat.

Just for the record, I did not study at all! Fortunately, it didn't turn out to be as bad as I thought. Thanks to the recent long assignment, I was a bit practiced for most of the test; however, I wouldn't expect a high grade at all this time.

I thought about.. believe it or not during the test I was contemplating on what went wrong. I could have known that the test was today, there was no excuse. I then blamed all the times I skipped class due to (for want of a better word) "unforced" reasons.

Yes I skipped a lot, more than I should have. But I did. Again, it all boils down once again to my acne problems. Often I wake up in the morning, just to see my horrible face - I completely lose the will to even leave the house, much less go to school. Yes It's an outrageous reason for "normal" standards. Well last time I check, I don't seem to be part of such a category.

I admit, it has gotten out of hand and as I said in an earlier entry, it has affected my life so much in a bad way. It is safe to say that the condition of my face dictates my very actions for the day. Yes it sounds far fetched but absolutely true on my account. If I wake up to see signs of improvement or whatnot, I feel like doing everything I can possibly do for one day; on the other hand, if I wake up to see the things I dare not mention nor want to see, I dare not do anything as well. It's tough really, as most mornings end up with the latter.

No one will argue if anyone would say that it's stupid. I know.

It's not just the sheer stupidity of not acing an easy exam, it's more of the stupidity of my decisions as a whole.

Sue me then.


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