I figured that I could temporarily turn this blog into a somewhat acne journal. Since it has been the issue I have been focusing on for so long; and just in case it gets cleared/healed, I would have a story to tell, or even, a cure to share.
From here on out, I will basically keep track of my "progress" or "retrogression" as the days and months go by.
As a preface to this pseudo-medical journal of some sort, I will basically list down the various activities and habits involved in my lifestyle, that according to my countless research, "caused" this mess I am in. So let's take a look shall we:
- I used to ingest alcohol a lot. I was more than half way towards being an alcoholic. I basically drank at every chance that I got. What's more, is that I even created opportunities for me to drink. Bottom line is, I drank way too much.
- I smoked regularly, not to the point of doing it every single day; however, I smoked more or less as much as I drank. And that itself explains everything.
- I lacked sleep, or slept really late - and often, not sleep at all. Yes, trust me sleep is a huge factor because of all the imbalance of hormones and such during the wee hours of the morning. I won't explain in detail.
- I almost NEVER ate fruits and/or vegetables. Not that they weren't available, I just chose NOT to. And all those missing fiber only made my alcoholic liver even worse.
- In addition, there was a point in my life when I practically had McDonald's for almost nearly everyday for more than a year! I used to think that it never really bothered me since I never really gained any weight; however, little did I know that the negative effects of such an unhealthy lifestyle where directed to my face, rather than my weight!
- I had a sweet tooth. I was so stupid before that I used to think that eating lots of sweets such as white chocolate, ice cream, brownies, cookies, and pop would allow me to gain some weight; and as I was frustrated as I never really gained a single pound from any of them, I was frustrated even more to see my face.
- I lacked exercise. Although exercise should be done at the very least thrice a week, I was lucky to do it ONCE a week.
- An unbalanced diet - in addition to the lack of fruits and veggies, I just had too much sugar intake, too much dairy, and too much animal protein. Without the fiber to go with such foods, a certain imbalance would occur; and consequently rupturing my face.
Well as you can see, I wasn't exactly the healthiest person in the world. And I am not at all proud of that. After countless research, over the counter products, so-called miracle cures, magic pills, frustrated attempts and whatnot, I have come up with a routine, or rather, more of a change in lifestyle in order to combat and finally be in control of my acne.
- I literally stopped drinking alcohol or smoking. As in ZERO. Doesn't affect me at all, as I have completely nullified any cravings for such.
- I practically stopped eating fast food products. In turn, resorted to home made healthy treats.
- This may sound weird but I have invested a decent amount of my money to buy a good amount of fruits and vegetables. In other words I have basically turned into a semi-vegetarian. In every entree I include a proportional amount of fiber rich foods at the same time minimize the amount of rice I eat per meal.
- I sleep early now. I make it a point to be in bed by at most 11, and be fully asleep by at most midnight. This ordeal is very tough as my body is very used to unhealthy sleeping habits, but I am working on it.
- I do exercise daily now. From utilizing my gym set at home, to simply doing jumping jacks and push-ups (jogging outside is not an option because of this season's weather).
- I drink tons and tons of water everyday. I make it a point to drink at least 15 glasses a day. I tend to urinate a lot, but better through the bladder than through my pores.
- I literally stopped the intake of sugar-rich foods. As much as I miss them, I try my best to control my cravings.
- Also, I am currently under treatment from a dermatologist. I undergo chemical peeling every three weeks and boy does it drain my wallet. Fortunately, improvements are evident which justifies further treatment.
As you can see, THEN and NOW are basically opposites of each other, but significant ones I might add. This is not just a phase or routine in order to cure acne, rather, this is my new lifestyle from now on. This is my last resort as I have tried literally everything you can sell over the counter, or the
Here goes nothing! =)