Episode 5: Impulse101

It took me this long to realize how much of a victim I am of impulse. I guess it's acceptable to be somewhat impulsive at a certain degree; however mine just about takes the cake. My impulsivity, as I would like to put it, has been the bane of what seems to be my already non-standardized life. It has gone up to a whole new level whereas not only my choices are immensely affected, but the people around me as well.

Where do these impulses come from? My insatiable hunger for something more appealing? My dissatisfied notion of how life is at the moment? My subconsciously envious nature towards various objects of materialism? Or rather, does it root from the irrepressible hormonal atrocities my body promulgates?

Reasons can range from all of them, some of them, most of them, to other explanations beyond me.

It's not really the case of "not thinking before one's acting," because I still end up "thinking" about the certain choice my impulsivity generates; however, the cognitive part of such an endeavor leans more towards to on how to do/perform/obtain that generated choice rather than merely deciding whether to engage in such a frivolous act or not.

In other words, I think of HOW to get it, instead of supposedly thinking whether to get it or not.

So what's a person to do while constantly "pseudo-consciously" succumbing to the overwhelming power of impulse? What's a helpless being to do victimized by the dominant influence of such a supposedly meager psychological force?

To be continued...



November 21, 2008 at 10:05 PM

I would like to be more impulsive. But good banana always wins. >XP

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